Wilson County, TN Arrest Warrants Search

Tennessee Arrest Records and Warrant Search

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Is there a Wilson County arrest warrant out in your name? If a judicial arrest order has been given against you, it will never go out of effect. Also, depending on the nature of the crime you are being accused of, you run a very high risk of getting arrested at even a traffic violation stop. So, it would be prudent to periodically conduct a warrant search.

For this information, you will need to get in touch with the sheriff’s office of Wilson, TN, located at 105 E High St, Lebanon, Tennessee 37087.

You can also get the very same information from the office of the county clerk. The agency maintains all civil and criminal court dockets, so they have all the data available on every active arrest warrant issued in the county. You can call on them at 129 South College St. Lebanon, TN 37087, or write to them at P.O. Box 950, 228 East Main St., Room 101Lebanon, TN 37088.

The third source of data on Wilson County outstanding arrest warrants is the magistrate’s office. It is located at 228 E Main St, Lebanon, TN 37087.


Is it possible to get information on Wilson County arrest warrants and recent arrests over the phone? (2021-Update)

  • Contact the Sheriff’s Office at 615-444-1412 for general information.
  • Call the Wilson Jail at 615-444-1412 # 1 for information on arrests and prisoners.
  • Call the Detectives Division at 615-444-1459 # 6 for information about a criminal investigation
  • Call the District Attorney’s Office at (615) 443-2863 for victim’s assistance.
  • Contact the Clerk of Court’s Office at 615-444-2042 for information on submitting a request for a criminal case search.


Crime statistics of Wilson County

In 2019, there was a slight increase in the annual crime rate of Wilson County. The yearly average went from 315 incidents to nearly 330 cases. Of the complaints filed, almost 300 were against property crimes. The violent crime category led to the filing of approximately 30 reports.

Over the decade that started in 1999 and ended in 2008, almost 25,000 crimes were reported in Wilson, which can be calculated to roughly 2500 incidents per year. Of these, almost 14% were violent crimes. On average, 8 incident reports are filed in the area every day, and in most cases, the crime transpires in close vicinity of the victim’s home or office.

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